Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Bristol Palin had her baby. Check it out.

I don't know this for sure, but here's my bet for the inspiration for the baby's name:

Tripp Darling of Dirty Sexy Money. Who's with me?

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas Marathon

Jim and I had five straight days of Christmas this year. Between my two families, Jim's family, and our own private family Christmas, we celebrated all week long. And it WAS long. It was great, but it was a lot--a lot of family, of gift opening, of food. I'm usually very sad when Christmas is over, but this year, it stayed so long, I was nearly ready to let it go.

Two other small pieces of news:
  1. I'm on the third book of the Twilight series, and I must admit, I can't put the damn things down. I saw the movie today and felt like a fourteen year old girl. I loved it. Thought it was great. Am anxiously awaiting movie number two. I should be embarrassed, right? Or just embrace it? I can't decide. But there it is. I can't get enough of them.
  2. Anya declared over break that she has two mommies--a rich one and a poor one. "Really?" I asked, "which one am I?" "You're the rich one, silly!" she declared proudly. I don't know where she's getting her information, but I've never been one to shy away from embracing a delusion as reality. More power to you, kid.

Will write more soon--


The Rich One.