Sunday, January 20, 2008

Today I made Grandma T.'s Famous Chili

And it was great. Really great. It was enjoyed by all.

However, all afternoon and evening, the chili is having a different effect. As Cyndy put it in an email she sent to me: "Your chili is really leaving a lasting impression."

I'm imagining my friends across the metro with terrible after-effects from my chili.



Anonymous said...

It's probably sleep deprivation, but I am laughing hard enough now that I'm trying not to snort organic "healthy lactation" tea out of my nose. Everything is funny, and imagining all of us farting across the metro was enough to get me going again. I've been laughing about pretty much all the scenes from "This Is Spinal Tap" since Pally and I watched it two nights ago.

abigail emerson said...

Um, yeah. It was a rough night. I hold Paul partially responsible, since he saw fit to make the spiciest turkey chili ever for dinner.

Cyndy, your email made me nearly fall out of my rolling desk chair.

Anonymous said...

Abby, you're telling us you had chili TWICE on Sunday? That MUST have been rough.

Jim said...

Well I didn't have any gassy issues. You guys must all just have gas a lot and want to blame it on something like chili. Chili -- riiightt.