Monday, April 7, 2008

I believe the children are our future

What I learned from my students today:

  • Hooking up with fewer than three girls over break is a "poor showing."
  • A "leaner" is a fun-filled oft-used prank that involves leaning buckets of water against hotel room doors in a precarious manner, leading to the spilling of large amounts of water into the hotel room upon opening the door.
  • Leaners are "okay" since the maids "just clean it up anyway. I mean, that's their JOB."
  • "Good, clean fun" is defined as drinking heavily, but not so heavily that you have a hangover the next day.
  • A number of pubic speakers drank and toasted "in honor" of me during their trips. Yes, what an honor, indeed.
  • Another "fun thing to do" is to go up to a cute girl, pretend to be nervous, and pee in your swimming suit in front of her to see how she'll react.
  • Under no circumstances will a child of mine ever, in a million years, attend a high school spring break "senior trip."


Maggie said...

I recall college students doing the "leaner" thing, except they would use the big hallway garbage cans. gross.

Maggie said...

also, excellent title for the post.

Tim K. said...

This is why I never, under any circumstances, use these words in the classroom: "So, how was your spring break?"