Monday, December 14, 2009

There are four more days before winter break

I believe my favorite part of today was during lunch when a colleague started a conversation with me like this:

"Hey Rach, you'll appreciate this, I made a kid cry today."

I can see her point. I mean, today Tim and I tagteamed the shaming of a student who left used kleenexes in the middle of Tim's classroom floor. I called his math teacher and had her send him back to Tim and me for the shaming. I sneered at the kid who responded to my gleeful, "Hey kids, I finished grading your essays!" with "Took ya long enough." I scoffed at the student who asked me how many sentences should appear in his essay test. When he didn't let up, I mocked his suggestion that I would be the kind of teacher that was going to be counting his sentences. And finally, I told a student that if she didn't stop talking while other students were finishing their test, not only would I give her a zero on it, but it would fill my heart with gladness to do it.

That's the holiday spirit, no? It's going to be a long four days, folks. A very long four days.

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