Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Inspirational Quotes

Tonight was our first choir rehearsal back after a three week long hiatus for the holidays. Every rehearsal, the woman who skydives and sings in the tenor section writes "inspirational quotes" on the white board. Tonight's quote from Pablo Picasso was this:

"Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone."

I think the "inspirational" element of this quote is particularly debatable (what with the mention of certain death) but it did remind me of the stack of papers that needs correcting growing bigger and bigger by the day. I can't say I'm not willing to die having left that correcting undone.

And perhaps this is a new low.


Katie said...

I miss choir. Linda emailed me to see if I would be back. No suck luck. Instead I will be enjoying Managerial Acccounting.

Katie said...

Opps, I wrote suck instead of SUCH. Why isn't there an edit button after you post a comment? I'm obviously too lazy to erase the whole thing and rewrite it.

Maggie said...

She also ALWAYS wears tapered leggings (even the time Cyndy, Dave and I saw her at the Olive Garden).

I'm not sure that the quotes are supposed to be inspirational. I seem to remember others that were just plain weird.