Tuesday, January 1, 2008

The Resolutions

I've never been good at New Year's resolutions.

Last year I resolved to pick up my cell phone all the time since I have a screening problem. That apparently didn't last very long seeing as I announced at New Year's dinner that I'd resolve to do that this year, and had to be reminded by a friend that I'd already tried that one last year. I'd completely forgotten.

I've also flirted with the idea of being more proactive in making plans with friends I haven't seen in awhile. I've considered making a more concerted effort to see my parents. I've even thought about giving up Young and the Restless viewing, but that just seems silly. Jim would be thrilled if I'd resolve to swear less, but that seems unlikely.

So, here's the call for your new year's resolutions. Feel free to leave a comment with your resolutions--maybe you'll inspire me. (And don't feel like just because you're publishing them on the internet for all eternity that these are etched in stone...I mean, God knows I won't be holding you to them.)


Anonymous said...

I enjoy my resolution this year. Anywhere from 3-7 days per week, at some point during the day, I'm going to set the timer for 15 minutes and in that 15 minutes, tackle the sort of household task that you always say you "should do" but never take the time to make happen. Just 15 minutes. And I might not finish the task in ONE 15 minute block, but it will be a start. Actually, it's amazing what you can get done in a short time like that. I've already reorganized half of my kitchen cabinets, cleaned the pantry, cleaned out my bedroom closet (I'm still working on that one a little), reorganized Ellen's clothes, and reconfigured the bookshelves in our living room. I started the 15 minute trick about a week ago.

Rachel said...

For the record, Cyndy is much better at maintaining resolutions than I am. MUCH better.

Maggie said...

First off, I like the new photo slide show in the sidebar.

My New Year's resolution is to hang up my clothes every day when I am done wearing them.

We'll see how long that lasts.

Rachel said...

That's a good one Mags. Perhaps I should consider maintaining a clean closet...

KC said...

i don't really believe in resolving things for a big change all at once. slow and steady wins the race. i usually resolve to do things that are going to happen anyway. like turn 30 this year, finish the school year, have a baby. sometimes i resolve things that are a little more risky, like find a new job, do a triathlon, finish graduate school, say fewer mean things.

KC said...

i forgot to say those risky things have always been things that are most likely going to happen anyway because i've already been on the way.

Rachel said...

Wait, does saying fewer mean things apply to everyone we know? I'm not sure I can stop the mean things about our fearless LEADER!!!!