Friday, February 15, 2008

Not my best week

On Monday, Jim and I babysat Ellen for a couple of hours. Ellen was less than thrilled to see her auntie:

She was, however, perfectly content as soon as Jim picked her up:

Tuesday morning I started to feel "a cold" coming on. By Tuesday night I was downright sick. Wednesday I was sick enough to call my dad to see if he'd call in a prescription of antibiotics for me. Thursday I nearly didn't make it through the school day. I thought it'd be a good idea for KC to look down my searingly sore throat with the school provided flashlight (for use in emergency lock down procedures), but that didn't turn out so well. Kace was so disgusted by what she saw down there that she referred to me as "Sickie" the rest of the day. I finally gave in and stayed home today, but I am now thoroughly convinced that this cold turned strep throat is now officially mono. I'd publish a photo of my nasty tonsils but you'd shriek in terror and never return to my blog again.
On a happy note, Jim has been a very good sport:

I'll let you know how the mono spot comes out.


Tim K. said...

I got mono from one of these pimply-faced little germ factories several years ago -- I missed about a week of school, but I actually felt fine through most of it. The exception, of course, is when you first have it, which is now, I guess. That part sucks.

Anyway, hope you don't have mono, but if you do, hopefully, you have my experience -- a week of sitting around watching daytime TV but not feeling too awful.

LH said...

i really like that clustermap of yours and I'm now going to try to get one of my own.

Rachel said...

Lee! Hello.

What I love most about the cluster map is that it looks like I have a much higher readership than I really do, since it just keeps counting every time someone checks my blog, whether or not they've been here before.

I'm all about the illusion of it all.

LH said...

yeah, i like that.
as you see, i now have one of my very own.

now i'll copy your slideshow once i get a chance.