Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Believe. Hope. Change.

This afternoon on my way into my polling place, a young mom with her baby in a sling asked me if I'd take her picture with her cell phone next to the "Vote Today" sign. She told me she wanted her son to always know that he was with her when she voted for the first African-American President.

When I told her I was voting for Obama, too, she said, smiling, "Of course. Isn't everybody?"

Here's hoping.

Here's believing.

1 comment:

abigail emerson said...

I nearly cried at my polling place this morning. I was already going because of the excitement of the moment, then I was done in after talking with an election judge who had just gotten her citizenship recently and was really excited to participate in the election. I talked to two other people at work who had similar experiences--one actually did cry.

As I was leaving I texted to Paul: "I just voted for a black man for president. The world is finally starting to change."