Monday, June 29, 2009

Momentary Lapse of Reason

Proof positive that my parents did, in fact, spend seventeen years of their life together was their identical response to the "Hey, so, Jim and I are thinking about getting a dog" comment.

They each said, in almost the same tone and inflection, "You guys need a dog like you need a hole in your head."

So, ladies and gentlemen, The Hole in My Head:


How could a girl resist?

Dakota is a mix between a Labrador Retriever and German Shepherd. We are potty training like CRAZY.

For the record, I'd like to state publicly that there's not a lot of dignity in cheering and clapping and oohing and aahing and carrying on like she's just won the Nobel prize every time she pees or poops outside.

I do, however, do just that. And while I'm doing it, I'm vehemently hoping the neighbors aren't watching.


Maggie said...

Oh...she's very cute. An excellent choice :)

I am excited to meet her!

Tim K. said...

Adorable puppy. A possible playmate for Gunnar? Now you'll have an excuse to leave school earlier next year.

Jackie said...

What wording do you use to tell the puppy to go to the bathroom. I always opened the door and told the dogs to "go do your business." What the hell was I thinking? I know that the same phrasing each time works, but really, wouldn't the neighbors have cracked up if I yelled, "go take a crap!"