Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Aaron Sorkin, will you marry me?

Tonight I watched the most recent episode of Studio 60 which my Tivo (thankfully) recorded despite the long hiatus in the middle of the season.

I know that the show is getting canceled and has gotten terrible ratings, but God help me, I love it. Frankly, any show by Aaron Sorkin is worth watching. I've decided to start rewatching The West Wing this summer. I figure that should keep me good and distracted from the thesis writing.

In other news, James Van der Beek (Dawson of Dawson's Creek fame) was on Criminal Minds tonight playing a schizophrenic, Bible thumping, serial killer.




abigail emerson said...

Okay, then I get Josh. (You might be getting the better deal, though, because Aaron Sorkin is real).

KC said...

It's criminal that you haven't yet watched Sports Night. Seriously. WTF?

abigail emerson said...

I'm worried about starting Sports Night because it was so short. I'll get attached and then it will end.