You should know that I already wrote up a snotty reply to Jedd "Polite Guy" Haas who is apparently pissed that I google image searched the word "sunrise" and used his picture (the FIRST one to come up) in my last blog.
I wrote a clever, snotty blog in response because I'm unable to turn the other cheek. Twice.
And I deleted it. Twice.
I'm not sure it's worth getting into some kind of legal snafoo over a dumb picture that wasn't, frankly, the best one that google could come up with.
But I'm still smarting a little bit.
Not the best way to drum up business, pal. Humph.
I'm sure he will have you know that it is "Jedd" with two d's :) You wouldn't want to cite his name improperly.
Just think, with all of us googling "sunrise" and going to Jedd's website, he's probably getting more hits on the site than he's had in years.
I'll refrain from commenting on what I think of a person having nothing better to do than buy an internet tracking device and seek out rogue bloggers posting 2x2 inch crappy pictures.
I'll also refrain from offering a critique of the work I viewed during my tour of "gallery Tungsten," but I will mention one juicy nugget of Jedd-info I happened across - he's a Carleton grad. Ah, really Jedd, it all makes sense now. Carry on Mr. Haas.
Two d's AND two a's?
Hey. There's at least one other Carleton grad who reads this blog and still thinks Jedd is an ass. Just FYI.
Those are just our St. Olaf colors showing a little bit there, Jessie. I have a soft spot for a few select Carleton grads. You included.
No problem. Just had to put in a good word for the normal Carls. Few as they may be.
I'd like to point out that it was in fact a Johnnie who posted that comment about Carleton people under my name. :) He signed it at the bottom.
Hello Rachel and all you other narrow-minded individuals. First of all, I happened to come across a site that tracks blog links to my site, which led me to your site, and your post using my image. I commented on that post, saying that it was considered polite to ask first before using an image; or to at least provide a photo credit.
Why does such a comment get you so worked up? I merely asserted the fact that I was the author of the image, and that you had used it without any consideration whatsoever. How would you feel if I "borrowed" your car without asking first?
I never threatened any legal action, but the fact that you think you might get into some "legal snafoo" [sic] is at least indicative that you recognize you were in the wrong. As it happens, a number of people have asked to use that image, and I've given all of them permission.
Narrow-Minded...I take offense to that, Sir. My mind is so open, they call me easy.
He "happened" to come across a site that tracks blogs...? It's just a picture, man. You posted it on the web, deal with it. What do I know though? I went to State School. My cats breath smells like cat food. Oh, and can I use your car, I mean, photo that I posted on the web, they're like the same. She's sharing the photo, not doing it from behind...chill out. We like your photo...it's pretty.
Let's get some shoes.
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