Wednesday, August 8, 2007


Today, Cyndy, Michael and I spent a couple of hours visiting old relatives with Mom. It's fair to say that we all pretty much hate The Visiting. The three of us line up on whatever old, floral couch is in the living room and probably look like spectators at a tennis match--all of our heads turning in unison following the conversation and catching up between Mom and the Great Aunt of the moment. Often we end up sitting in age order, which makes things all the more classic. We do our best to be pleasant, smile when we're supposed to, add something--anything--to the conversation when there's an opening, and generally make the best out of an awkward, painful situation. It's not that we don't like seeing these people. It's more that at 28, 25, and 22, we feel like we should be past that same feeling sitting on that couch. We might as well be 13, 10, and 7 all over again.

I suppose the best information I got out of the visiting today is that my Great Aunt Cilla (short for Cecilia and pronounced with a thick German accent as Szilla, emphasis on the Z) who never married said that the only way she'd get married is if she could have Joe DiMaggio.

So, this one's for you Cilla:


Jim said...

You knew if you referred to The Great DiMaggio in a post that I'd comment. Unfair. Really unfair.

Here are a few interesting things about Joltin' Joe, the Yankee Clipper:

1) His real name was Giuseppe.
2) He was addicted to coffee and smoking before and during baseball games. He often smoked as much as possible before a game and downed cup after cup while sucking heaters in the dugout.
3) He only hit 361 career homeruns, 65th best all-time and one ahead of former Twin Gary Gaetti.
4) He flew in the Army Air Force for three years during WWII -- 1943-45 -- and missed the prime years of his career.
5) After he retired he married Marilyn Monroe in 1954, but they were divorced nine months later.

abigail emerson said...

I am enjoying the floral couch/tennis match image. I can so see that.