This afternoon when I got home from school, I watched Obama's 30 minute infomerical that ran in primetime last night. The only thing I'd heard about it was Dan Rather's comment that it was exceptionally well made, and I was curious to see what Obama would do with 30 minutes.
My brother-in-law jokingly asked if it swayed my vote, as though I was watching it to assure myself that yes, I would vote for Obama, and eschew McCain and Bible Spice (thank you Alec Baldwin for that gem).
It obviously didn't sway my vote. For God's sake, Obama had me at the waving wheat fields.
But that wasn't really the point.
The point is that I (no joke) cried through the last seven minutes of the thing. I don't remember a time when I felt so (sorry for the cliche) hopeful about someone and something. It feels good to actually believe in the power of change. It feels good to see millions of people all over the nation stand behind this man and hold him up with their hopes and their beliefs that tomorrow can be a greater day than today has been.
If you haven't seen it, I really do think it's worth watching.
When the Berlin Wall came down, my mom told Cyndy and me that we should remember the moment, try to hold on to it in our minds because it was monumental, because it was significant, because it would change the way we saw the world.
If nothing else, it sure feels good to be on the precipice of another moment like that.
For the love of God, people. Vote Obama/Biden on November 4th.
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