Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Counting

There are a lot of things that I really hate about paper grading, but the thing I hate most is my compulsion to count, recount, and count again the number of papers that I have yet to grade.

I can't stop doing it.

I'll count. And then I'll grade two papers. And then, I'm not kidding, I'll count AGAIN. I won't even just subtract two from the last time I counted. I will re-fricking-count, as though somehow, some way, the pile has magically gotten smaller by leaps and bounds in the last ten minutes.

Maybe I would feel better about grading papers and not have to constantly count if Barack Obama were my president.


Let's be real. I probably would.


Anonymous said...

Read this:

Jackie said...

I thought I was the only one who kept counting and recounting papers left to grade.