Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Group Work

Here's the thing: I could write a post about how my group for this presentation for class tomorrow decided to meet at 9:00 p.m. tonight in a bar near campus. I could add that the group meeting didn't actually start until 9:25 when we all finally assembled. I could also add that while I left our group meeting at 10:20 after a 55 minute meeting, we talked about our presentation for a grand total of about 8 minutes.

I could say all that, but I can sum it up like this:

Group. Work. Sucks.


abigail emerson said...

Perfect image for this post. As you know, group work in graduate school nearly killed me.

I. feel. your. pain.

Unknown said...

Abby's tales of group work are some of the most classic around. LOVE that image. I'm always afraid of copyright stuff, that's why I usually don't post images on my blog. I'm guessing it's okay, though?