Sunday, May 20, 2007

It's a Sunday afternoon

I have 53 papers left to grade (I've counted them three times already today), 112 annotated bibliographies to look over, and four class sets of student blogs to check up on.

That means that I'm sitting on my couch, making plans to clean my house, watching the Twins, listening to Piper sleeping and snoring on the couch next to me (a little loudly for a dog, I have to admit), and clicking around aimlessly on the internet.

Here's what I found:

A Think Test.

This seems right up our alley. I scored a 17, which bothered me a little bit. When I saw my score, I had the same sort of feeling I get when I realize I know far too many songs on the radio by heart. I mean word for word. Or at least, the words that I think they're saying. The acknolwedgement of the significant amount of gray matter taken up with useless--totally useless--information is enough to give anyone pause.

Speaking of songs with unintelligible lyrics. Do you know the song "Flashdance (What a Feeling)"? Cyndy always thought that the line "take your passion, and make it happen" was "Take your pants off and make it happen."

After some more aimless clicking around on the internet, I realized that she is, sadly, not alone.


Unknown said...

I knew I was not alone. It does sound remarkably like "take your pants off and make it happen."

In the meantime, why don't we talk about "I'm a Cheerio girl"? Or "down at the boom box"?

Unknown said...

Took that test. WHOOPED you with 19! YEAH!

Rachel said...

I think General Mills could make a killing with an ad campaign for Cheerios with Material Girl.

I mean it.

trulybrilliant109 said...

The only thing I can think of is how much you were avoiding correcting papers to even find that piece of crap quiz. I scored 20 -- even though Bryn did go and check the Campbell's label and I guessed before she told me (I guessed wrong). I've got to learn to cheat better. Here's better stuff to do when totally bored or procrastinating:

Unknown said...

In case anyone is interested, I recently learned there is a term for misinterpreting lyrics such as "take you pants off." It's called a mondegreen.

Rachel said...

Was that last comment from Dave?!? Is Dave reading the blogs?