Monday, July 30, 2007

Harry Potter and Healing

A couple of things:

1. I'm finally willing to cease and desist in my one woman struggle against Harry Potter. The craze began right as I was starting college, and, incidentally, right as I was starting my snotty English major at my snotty private liberal arts school. Needless to say, I took a snotty approach to the Rowling gang.

They weren't good enough for me. They were probably good enough for Oprah watching moms everywhere who hadn't read a worthwhile book in ages, but not for me. I was quite certain I wouldn't live long enough to read all the great literature humanity had produced, so there was no way I'd waste my time on this dumb thing. I would stand blissfully by and watch the Harry Potter craze die out in a few weeks time.


So I was wrong on that one and am duly embarrassed by the 17 year old attitude I was exhibiting there. Mea culpa.

My plan for next summer is to read the entire series, starting with book one. I'm already dreading my impulsive decision a few nights ago to read the summary of book 7 on wikipedia so I'd know what people were talking about.

2. I went to a Faith Healing tonight at my sister's church. Joe Schmoe Healing Man With Special Powers from God and Even More Importantly, Approval from the Vatican came to the church for a rosary, a mass, a personal faith testament, and a healing ceremony.

He came with instructions for strong male volunteers to be ready to catch people when they were slain in the spirit and fell to the ground in faithful healing.

I wanted dancing with snakes, writhing on the floor, speaking in tongues, doves descending in fire, people exclaiming and shouting, and general hoopla.

Frankly, I was sorely disappointed. A few people fell once in awhile, and I tried to bribe my brother-in-law to get up there and fall down, assuring him that it would probably "make my YEAR" if he did it, but Mom, Cyndy, Dave, and I all sat not-so-respectfully in the back row of the choir loft. Every once in awhile we'd mumble along to a decade of the rosary (come on, try to resist THAT impulse), but overall, I'd give the faith healing a big D+.

3. I beat my high score on the Bricks game on my cell phone somewhere in the middle of the personal faith testament.


Unknown said...

You will love Harry Potter. But are you telling me that you know how the whole thing ends because you went to wikipedia? That was a MISTAKE. I bought my book seven yesterday at B&N, and finished my current book last night. Today, I am READY to begin. And if you tell me what happens, we are no longer sisters.

Tim K. said...

You're a better person than me -- I haven't read any of the books or seen any of the movies, and I have no plans to. Not because out of any snobbishness (I don't think so, anyway), but I can honestly say I'm not interested. I think it's great that in this day and age ANY kind of book can excite this many people to read, but I'm just not one of them.

abigail emerson said...

Wow, I am amazed at this unbidden public declaration of your change of heart. When you brought it up in the car last week I just totally let it go (after what I hope was a subtle-enough double-take). I mean, we all make a bad call now and then. No need to dwell on it :)

Jackie said...

I'm glad you are giving in to societal pressure and reading Harry Potter. You won't be dissapointed. I was a late-comer to the series, and I was able to read books 1, 2 and 3 in a row. Then I had to wait anxiously with everyone else for book 4 to come out. I have book 7, but haven't started it yet since blogging has been taking up too much of my time. I am determined to read book 7 this week though since I've almost had the ending spoiled too many times already. Martha C. once confessed to me that the only book that she has stayed up all night reading is Harry Potter.

Jim said...

I hate reading. When does the movie come out?