Thursday, July 12, 2007

The Self Loathing

The great thing about finally working on something you've been avoiding like the plague is that all the self-loathing attached to the procrastination disappears, and you start to believe that you can actually complete the damn thing with sanity intact.

As a side note, I found this delightful bit about blogging today in my research: "In March 2003 the Oxford English Dictionary added blog (both noun and verb) and web log to its corpus, drawing from an eclectic set of definitional references. Their definition of blog notes that... 'To blog is to be part of a community of smart, tech-savvy people who want to be on the forefront of a new literary undertaking'" (Boyd 2006).

So, how about that? The OED considers us smart, tech-savvy, and on the forefront of a new literary undertaking.

Sounds good to me.


Maggie said...

Congrats on getting the ball rolling :)

Now the end is truly in sight!

Jackie said...

I'm glad I've joined the blogosphere so that I haven't been left behind. Ditto the congrats on getting that paper written.

KC said...

i loved the boyd. that shit is all over my stupid master's thesis.

Rachel said...

Kace--is that the Boyd we saw at NCTE-AR? As in, Dr. Danah?

Unknown said...

Does that imply that those who don't blog are not smart? Does posting comments count?!?

Jim said...

OED? Didn't we kick the hell out of the British Army back in the 1780s? Damn Red Coats. Apparently we want to be back in the British Empire and honor their dictionary. Oh, and that definition was perfect and describes us all well.