Tuesday, July 3, 2007

The thing is, I'm having a hard time getting started

In May when I finished my coursework for my Master's Degree, I dreamed of long, beautiful summer days when I would earnestly and thoughtfully write my master's thesis.

When the students would ask what my plans were for the summer, I would wistfully imagine days spent in my office upstairs, articles and research journals on the floor around the desk, me with a ponytail, wearing my glasses, sipping some coffee, and tip tap typing away. The thought of The Thesis seemed distant, surreal, and far enough away that it couldn't hurt me yet. It seemed a scholarly, adult, professional, and dignified way to spend my summer.

At the end of the school year, the Whole Fricking Thing was getting too close for comfort, and I asked teaching pals Tim and KC if they thought it would be appropriate to hold off a "few days" (ie. weeks) and enjoy a little bit of summer before really digging into The Damn Thing. They wholeheartedly gave me permission to not start writing, working, or thinking about It until July 1st, at which time, I would knock that thing out, no problem.

The thing is, I'm having a hard time getting started.

It's July 3rd and so far every time I think I should work on It, I find something else to do. So far I've done three loads of laundry, finished watching Sports Night (both seasons--the show in its entirety), started reading Water for Elephants, gone for a walk, unloaded the dishwasher, gone to Target, and gone out for lunch. Twice.

So yeah. I'm having a hard time getting started.


Unknown said...

Those are some CLASSIC links. Well done!

Katie said...

Roommate - get to work! After today summer is over. Whatever, I'm hardly the person to be giving encouragement for writing a paper. If you need more ideas for procrastination, though, I'm your girl. Let's go to lunch next week.

KC said...

ok, well, here's the thing: it's all going to be fine. as soon as you have a real deadline, you'll finish it. in the meantime, enjoy the works cited i'm sending you.

Jackie said...

How about making a multi-flow map analyzing the causes of your procrastination and the effects that the procrastination is having on your summer. If Ryan D. could do it for his behavior, maybe it will help.

I'm sending you positive thoughts.