Tripp Darling of Dirty Sexy Money. Who's with me?
Tripp Darling of Dirty Sexy Money. Who's with me?
Will write more soon--
The Rich One.
Note the WRAPPED presents beneath the tree. Impressive, I know.
(photo credit ESPN (?!?))
The only point of clarification here, of course, is that I didn't ever particularly care for the real-life Jason Priestley, but I was head over heels in love with the fictional Brandon Walsh.
As a side note, when I was in elementary school, I wrote a "short story" with a character I created named Todd Winters. Here's a shout out to him, as my first fictional crush.
I was sad to come home Saturday night.
Today I took the girls to the beach while Jim golfed with Dad:
I would say that this would have been an excellent activity had it not ended in a citation from the Deephaven police for "failure to display parking permit" (which I don't have) and expired license tabs (which I received a ticket for about three weeks ago also).
This Wednesday morning, Jim and I are headed out on our first serious road trip. We're driving Dad's car down to his house in Phoenix and flying back late on Sunday night. We're hoping to be in Hays, America Wednesday night, Albuquerque Thursday night, and Dad's house sometime Friday afternoon. Talk about eking out one more trip this summer.
There are a million good reasons NOT to purchase this painfully cute female half cocker spaniel, half bichon puppy, right?
I mean, RIGHT?
Because otherwise, I'm considering pleading temporary insanity and becoming the proud mother of this little thing.
God help me, right? RIGHT?